Chris Chan is overrated as fuck as a lolcow

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Chris Chan is more interesting. You guys seem to leave out a lot of things in your memory. OnA talked about him years ago when trolls releases the video of him talking about drinking his own cum. The autistics idea that’s people with aspergers are stealing the spotlight from autistics, then making a whole comic series called “asperchu” to piss him off is hilarious. All of the shit they’ve gotten on him and caught him doing over the years makes any of our cows look like calves. Joe will always be my favorite but he’s pretty much done. There may be a resurrection but I doubt it. The OnA universe is too far into obscurity at this point to get anything. Pat is easy to hate but that’s really it. Some great parody songs, short stories (I’ve written a few myself), Twitter accounts for what? Him to autistically respond with the near same response every time? We haven’t gotten him to do anything absurd other then sue the internet really and that’s a slow moving process as we’ve seen. There’s the phone calls but those don’t reveal a lot. The reality is he’s just an easily hateable special boy who will respond to retarded shit online. There’s no cat fishing, no admitting to debauchery, no getting into a month long feud over who’s the real Patrick S Tomlinson with videos and competitions to prove it, etc etc. Just a fat retard larping as the worlds smartest man from a mediocre bar in Milwaukee (there’s thousands of them in WI). That’s it.