Chomo Joe is absent from his daughter's birthday


the lord chief constable knows I'm owen
I'll admit - nicest thing he's ever written, and a genuinely sweet thing for his daughter.

Doesn't take away he highjacked her Facebook profile and - I cannot believe I'm beating you all to this - that first picture of him makes him look black as soot.

How am I the first to comment on this?
pointing out joe is black is like pointing out that genesis fell off after phil collins left. we all know that already

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I'll admit - nicest thing he's ever written, and a genuinely sweet thing for his daughter.

Doesn't take away he highjacked her Facebook profile and - I cannot believe I'm beating you all to this - that first picture of him makes him look black as soot.

How am I the first to comment on this?
Its even sweeter that is written on her hijacked facebook account because her father is a retard and got his account banned.

Carol's Stink Blaster

Poot poot poot poot

Rare photograph of a black man pictured with child