She paid it off after we exposed her on this very website. No effect on their lives.Wait is the $7k **DELINQUENT TAX WARRANT** with the WI Dept. of Revenue known? **BITCH HAD A LIEN** typical liberals, whine about wanting money for dem programs and shiet, but when it's time to pay their fair share they're nowhere to be found, flying to Costa Rica
[URL unfurl="true"]https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetail.html?caseNo=2020TW003507&countyNo=40[/URL]
Don't fully understand all the info:
Judgement on 03-20-2020
Civil case filed on 09-01-2020
Withdrawn on 07-12-2021 with Satisfaction as "Other" which I take to be some form of payment plan agreement? It still says "Dismissed: no / Status: active" at the bottom
Neither the LLC, nor her, nor Pat show up on the Tax Delinquent Search currently, but keep an eye on this [URL]https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Delqlist/DelqSearch.aspx[/URL]