Tommy Robinson has been particularly amusing lately, his tik tok vids screaming about 'arrff izlaymics izzz all ova uzzzz' and such have been pretty funny 'wiv godda geddum out aye, theyiz zwarming tha cuntree mayte' then he reaches for a martini - amusing stuff. The phone call to his wife from prison was also laff a minute stuff - 'eeere, were iz ya?' - 'Iz in prizen izzen I' - 'Uuuuuu wotttttt? Wherrr iz ya?' - 'Izzzz in Prizzzzen isn't I, ya daffff kunt'. It's like listening to wordplay in a classic UK comedy show (if my wife sounded like Robinsons dumb cunt wife I'd be out protesting muslims too).
Starmer is a fuckwit. The whole UK media are fuckwits. Simple leadership is take command tell people what happened, whats going to happen, tell em to go home we got this - instead its the same non-info where they reprimand people for making shit up or not having the full story - and then their reprimanding becomes the story, Starmers fuckwit conference adds fuel to the fire. Others have pointed out calling everyone racist/white supremacist etc instead of - oh I don't know - developing a sensible approach to dealing with mentally ill cunts who want to stab people (we have to be
tolerant of the mentally ill cunts, we have to
integrate the cunts into our society and
support the cunts).
It's almost as if focusing on rioting dicks is what they'd rather do than every deal with actual problems.