BREAKING: Jackie Singh is losing visitation rights to see her oldest daughter

Nice life, stupid.


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
While she is calling random people on twitter "nazis" and "russians" on twitter. She was losing visitation to her own kid. Nice priorities stupid. Her and Pat are retarded for each other. Perfect couple of terminally online weirdos that let twitter become the most important thing in their lives. So much that they cant even see their kids anymore. Its for the better. Both would be horrible parents that would have tried to force their stupid political takes into them. Just for internet ass pats.


While she is calling random people on twitter "nazis" and "russians" on twitter. She was losing visitation to her own kid. Nice priorities stupid. Her and Pat are retarded for each other. Perfect couple of terminally online weirdos that let twitter become the most important thing in their lives. So much that they cant even see their kids anymore. Its for the better. Both would be horrible parents that would have tried to force their stupid political takes into them. Just for internet ass pats.
She’s probably happy she can spend more time on twitter.

Toothless Enthusiast

Killed by Patrick!
I have a feeling she is going to cope by getting a nice bag of meth ( once Uncle Sam sends her that $975 that she lives off of for fake disability next week) She will then go on a manic twitter posting spree.

I think meth is the most logical conclusion as to why she is losing custody. Either that or she's trying to run waddle away to a different state to hide from the IRS lol
