Australians are faggots


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
1. Diverse or not, that's just too many Wiggles.

2. Does Australia only let the hot ones leave? Every Australian I've met in person has been cool as fuck and attractive. When you see a picture or video of actual Australia they look like a bunch of sheep fucking retards for the most part.




Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
2. Does Australia only let the hot ones leave? Every Australian I've met in person has been cool as fuck and attractive. When you see a picture or video of actual Australia they look like a bunch of sheep fucking retards for the most part.
I think the ugliest white people we have are the descendants of the Irish/English criminals who got here first.

The best looking white people are the ones who are first to third generation Aussies who knew family members that came from Europe. Even the girls from parents or grandparents who came over from Britain look better than the other Aussie Anglos. It's a weird phenomenon. Growing up, the food was much cheaper (people would buy so much lamb they'd feed it to their dogs instead of dog food) so I think people who came from somewhere else knew to take advantage of it. Dumb white trash who have no connection to another culture eat like shit, and they spend more money on KFC and McDonald's rather than cook good food themselves. That's my theory.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I occasionally watch Aussie rules on weekend mornings. It's way too complicated for Americans.

Nick cave left you to go to a country with a music culture.

No I don't. You win lots of medals in Olympics but fuck knows in what. I couldn't name one athlete of yours in it.
Aussie Rules isn't complicated, it's just sloppier than American Football and Rugby. The only frustrating thing about the game in recent years is someone will get tackled, they're holding the ball, and the umpire is like "I dunno, just do a ball-up". It takes the incentive out of tackling and fucks up the momentum of the game.

Who knows any Olympians, though? We always have niggas doing well in sports.