I'm halfway through this and don't know what to think.
My liberal faggot buddy dismisses Nephilim and all Biblical stories as bunk but why do these themes recur across so much of pre-modern history?
Niggers being shit-covered demons is completely believable to me. You ever looked into their soulless dark eyes full of animal hatred?
Modern humans have existed for 100,000 years and we just figured out how to do modern shit in the last 6,000 years? Bullshit.
The Pyramids and all that shit are only 6,000 years old? There's some shit we may never know way the fuck back in time. Go to wherever a pyramid is and whatever passes for locals goddamn sure didn't build them. They're stone-age mudpersons living in 4th world squalor.
It's like we Tomlinsoned into electricity and internal combustion and that was good enough. Lets drink a shit ton of beer and get gay and obese and wait for God to strike us down.
So yeah there's more shit out there than we're able to comprehend or measure. Some of it good, some evil.