Anyone plan on going to the Foo Fighter concert?



For a guy whose property gets vandalized by cyberstalkes all the time, he seems awfully careless about letting the internet know when he's not at home.
He's not going with da wifey, she only accompanies him on away trips, to change his diaper. He has a depends plus for this night, he'll wear.


They’re old, dude. That’s what happens when bands get rich and old. They add more shit because they can.
Good music is made by young, skinny, pissed off people. Once you get old and complacent and rich then you just start fucking around for fun because you lose the edge of what made you good to begin with.

Same with O&A and most of the comedians people here liked. They’re all 50 and over now for the most part. Most artists get fat and gay and boring by then, it’s just the way it goes. It’s stupid to bitch about it.
A friend of mine JoeH told me that too. He said once he hit big, playing places like the VFW and TGIF, he lost his edge, he said it's all about the child spit he buys now.


That Jersey is the only thing that fits him right now.
Maybe it fits that he can button it, but it doesn't look like it used to. Look at the the way it used to look vs the way it does now. It used to be a nice yellow color and he was slimmer and it fit better. Now if he buttoned it up, he's probably look like a sausage. It doesn't look like the same color yellow, it's all discolored. It has the color of body odor is probably the best way I can describe it. It looks like it's seen some Patso sweat along with a bunch of spilled beer and brat and meatloaf grease. He really should get another one but he probably can't afford it.

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