Anthony Insults Sue's and Jim's "Wife"'s People

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
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Wet brained old boomer who pled guilty to DV and literally screams about genociding FNs is complaining about violence and threats.

The Cumias complete lack of self-awareness is fascinating.
Often the way those who shout loudest about others are what they are screaming about. Look at anti gay political figures getting caught or those knock off Chris Hansen groups that often have a nonce in the group


NYC Mayor
It’s weird the Rock is seen as some big tough guy action star but in reality he won’t have any testicles left after his steroid abuse.

Rock was always chubby or skinnyfat at best. This was when he was jumping up, lifting dudes twice his size, running around like a maniac for 30 minutes to an hour 5 nights out of the week for years on end.

He has access to the best shit in the world, so he looks retarded now.

Sue Lightning

Trannies really fucked up by not gatekeeping people who don't even try to look like whatever gender they're posing as.
I can't tell what that retard in the quote is supposed to be.
They tried. Then they got labelled as “transmedicalists”, i.e, the belief that you need a diagnosis from a doctor that you have gender dysphoria. This however was seen as…ableist? or something…because not everyone can afford a doctor, and doctors misdiagnose all the time. “You know yourself better!”

I don’t care if people don’t want to hear the nuance. There is a clear difference between a crazy person and a tranny. Inb4 edgy joke “Duhhh aren’t they all crazy???” Sure, cutting off your dick is not normal, but there goes a step past that where you cut off your dick and want to murder anyone who doesn’t accept you. That doesn’t represent the majority of these people.

Sue Lightning

I will say it forever. The internet has broken peoples perceptions of identities by only showing them the most outspoken and retarded people in one group. Republicans become white supremacist nazis. Faggots want to fuck your kids. Trannies want to kill you and turn your sons into women. Liberals want to kill all white people. Black people want to murder all white people. All white people are racist enslavers. Etc etc etc. Meanwhile the majority, who are all in the center and not retards, are smart enough to shut the fuck up and thus we don’t see them.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
I will say it forever. The internet has broken peoples perceptions of identities by only showing them the most outspoken and retarded people in one group. Republicans become white supremacist nazis. Faggots want to fuck your kids. Trannies want to kill you and turn your sons into women. Liberals want to kill all white people. Black people want to murder all white people. All white people are racist enslavers. Etc etc etc. Meanwhile the majority, who are all in the center and not retards, are smart enough to shut the fuck up and thus we don’t see them.
Agreed it’s fun when people go outside and touch grass. I know people who have all types of views, and I literally never seen all the stuff Nana or Pat rages about, you really have to go out of your way to find stuff like that