Anthony Cumia has a screw loose.

I smile everytime I am reminded that Anthony dumped his entire life savings into creating a network and studio with full video production into a house that he bought at the top of the market and sold at a loss.

Sure, Opie has no talent but at least he is smart enough to just read comments off of YouTube from his shore house deck or penthouse condo.
Nana poured money into his "network", then spent seven years anxiously squirming and nervously tittering like a retard. It's not even a show, it's just Nana sitting there in his two shirts, jabbering for a few hours. He's a born second-banana and couldn't possibly look more uncomfortable hosting a show.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I smile everytime I am reminded that Anthony dumped his entire life savings into creating a network and studio with full video production into a house that he bought at the top of the market and sold at a loss.

Sure, Opie has no talent but at least he is smart enough to just read comments off of YouTube from his shore house deck or penthouse condo.
He also blew money to blow Sue


my little babies are gone
Now he's free of the NY homeowner shackles he's finally free to do whatever he wants and live where he pleases, which turns out to be exactly the same as before.
Ant only leaves his home to go to a studio. He has zero world experience. He rants about things while hiding away.

He somehow finds a way to join up his old buddy having a accident to his political pov. Because he's scared of the future and that's one where America isn't the biggest player.