Fuck dude! You only watched the first season? Don’t read anything about it. It’s a legitimate masterpiece. He planned out his whole storyline for the entire thing before he wrote it and it pays off so big. The characters you wind up caring about, where the plot goes, it gets fucking nuts.
I enjoyed reading it and watching it as much as I enjoyed Game of Thrones books 1-3. It’s that good in how he sets up plot elements and character arcs.
It does fall apart a little bit in the final act, but I think that’s a consequence of him setting a deadline to finish the story and meeting it, as opposed to faggot George Martin letting his bullshit sprawl so far that the story can’t be concluded.
Edit: to be clear, it IS a story for boys age 10-15, but in that arena and within its genre it’s almost unmatched.
@PogromStallone i have a lot of thoughts about the ending as well, but I forgive them all because it was a great ride and at least he committed to ending it and did so.