Actual funny things Michael Richards did?



You posted this so someone would bring up the time he went crazy on the blacks at that comedy show.

And yes it was the funniest thing he ever did.

“He’s a nigger! HEEE’S A NIGGGGGER!!!!”

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
The worst is when he fell back on the Seinfeld "pop" when he wasn't getting any laughs. Mom, make it stop.
Ugh, I wonder if he wrote his own material or if they just told him what to say. I'm okay with it if he was just like "yeah whatever I don't care."

This has to be 1992 so Seinfeld was popular by then, but not huge huge. So there were probably people in the crowd going "who the fuck is this unfunny dickhead?"


Ugh, I wonder if he wrote his own material or if they just told him what to say. I'm okay with it if he was just like "yeah whatever I don't care."

This has to be 1992 so Seinfeld was popular by then, but not huge huge. So there were probably people in the crowd going "who the fuck is this unfunny dickhead?"
He seems like a pretentious cunt. Even if you watch the Seinfeld bloopers, he takes everything very seriously and starts brooding if anyone laughs. He’s a brilliant actor but never had any business doing standup or presenting an award.

He seems like a pretentious cunt. Even if you watch the Seinfeld bloopers, he takes everything very seriously and starts brooding if anyone laughs. He’s a brilliant actor but never had any business doing standup or presenting an award.

Kramers antics were psychical and if my co stars kept fucking up the takes by giggling I'd be pissed too at having to slam myself into a door and have it be funny every single time for the 20th take.


Give Me Some Money
Kramers antics were psychical and if my co stars kept fucking up the takes by giggling I'd be pissed too at having to slam myself into a door and have it be funny every single time for the 20th take.
Exactly, he was working on a different level than the others. The other actors could basically play themselves but Richards had to be 110% zany all the time, even if he was just listening to other characters talking. That has to be insanely tiring.