Abe Vigoda HATE thread


Kill a commie for mommy, awright

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
I've been holding this back for too long, it's time to speak out: Abe has been haunting me for the last six months, maybe longer. Mostly he'll just flick my ear when I'm concentrating, which is childish but I can deal with it. Lately he's taken to popping out of the ceiling and shouting "BOOGABOOGABOOGA" right when I'm about to fall asleep. He'll do it four or five times every fucking night. It's bothersome, but more than that it's starting to affect my performance at work. Nearly got fired last week after I fell asleep on a forklift.
Does anyone know a qualified exorcist? Not trying to send him to Hell, just get him off my case for a bit. Is this because I started watching that episode of Le Petit Hobeaux and never finished it? Please, Abe. Let me sleep.


I've been holding this back for too long, it's time to speak out: Abe has been haunting me for the last six months, maybe longer. Mostly he'll just flick my ear when I'm concentrating, which is childish but I can deal with it. Lately he's taken to popping out of the ceiling and shouting "BOOGABOOGABOOGA" right when I'm about to fall asleep. He'll do it four or five times every fucking night. It's bothersome, but more than that it's starting to affect my performance at work. Nearly got fired last week after I fell asleep on a forklift.
Does anyone know a qualified exorcist? Not trying to send him to Hell, just get him off my case for a bit. Is this because I started watching that episode of Le Petit Hobeaux and never finished it? Please, Abe. Let me sleep.
I've had a similar thing happen recently while experiencing withdrawal from alcohol. I get these sleep paralysis nightmares where I'm in my bed, face up and unable to move my body at all. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Abe Vigoda creeping towards my bed with one shaky hand outstretched. He never gets close enough to touch me but I'm unaware of that at the time. It's terrifying. I desperately try to contort my torso or lift my deadened limbs but it's like I'm buried in the ground with my head sticking out. I try to scream at him and find that I can't form words but instead squeak out these hideous moans. This whole time Abe is staring at me with that odd half a grin thing he does, the hand out in front trembling. It seems to have gone on for hours when he starts sucking on his dentures like his mouth is parched and shouts "Dey got good SHRIMP HERE!" and I wake up like I had fallen onto my mattress from the second story. Fuck you, Abe.


Getting my rocks off. Emptying my boulders.
I've had a similar thing happen recently while experiencing withdrawal from alcohol. I get these sleep paralysis nightmares where I'm in my bed, face up and unable to move my body at all. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Abe Vigoda creeping towards my bed with one shaky hand outstretched. He never gets close enough to touch me but I'm unaware of that at the time. It's terrifying. I desperately try to contort my torso or lift my deadened limbs but it's like I'm buried in the ground with my head sticking out. I try to scream at him and find that I can't form words but instead squeak out these hideous moans. This whole time Abe is staring at me with that odd half a grin thing he does, the hand out in front trembling. It seems to have gone on for hours when he starts sucking on his dentures like his mouth is parched and shouts "Dey got good SHRIMP HERE!" and I wake up like I had fallen onto my mattress from the second story. Fuck you, Abe.
Similar experience but for me he just signs headshots over and over and throws them at me but I'm unable to catch any of them and every time he tosses one at me and they fall to the floor he shouts about how I'm ungrateful and how Jim Norton really appreciates his autographs and I should be more like him and then I get raped by a tranny. Harrowing stuff.

Dog Eater

My babies are gone.
Similar experience but for me he just signs headshots over and over and throws them at me but I'm unable to catch any of them and every time he tosses one at me and they fall to the floor he shouts about how I'm ungrateful and how Jim Norton really appreciates his autographs and I should be more like him and then I get raped by a tranny. Harrowing stuff.

I get these weird dreams where I’m reading the forum but every single post is by @TheGhostOfAbeVigoda and they’re all the same story about going to NASCAR, getting lost in Detroit and eating at red lobster.

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
I get these weird dreams where I’m reading the forum but every single post is by @TheGhostOfAbeVigoda and they’re all the same story about going to NASCAR, getting lost in Detroit and eating at red lobster.
My perpetual nightmare is that I embody @TheGhostOfAbeVigoda and this schizoaffective psycho Scottish demoness with loch ness monster DNA strongly resembling "I recommend amputation!" Nigga from Hellraiser is swinging a high carbon steel dermablade and I can't run away because in Dreamland running is the equivalent of trying to run under water so my back is forever cut to ribbons. Reoccurring nightmare at least once or twice a week I'm good for since joining Owen.

Occasionally some half retarded tree ape injun Wendigo nigger will smile at me sadistically from the corner with pearly white jizz dripping teeth. That's one hell of a dream and it's all in Serbian gibberish while my phone is called relentlessly and I keep falling through my unfinished floor into a groundhog day scenario black hole of Sisyphus torment endlessly. Bunch of fucked up nigger lipped nonsense dream if ya ask me.

Think it's time for me to say "YOUR MOM'S NIGGER LOVING SHIT BOX!" fellas.


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