Wwawd overthinking the getting a wife bit?



When i was in ireland for a short amount of time, hot white chicks loved me coz of my accent. I probably dont even need to go to a non english speaking country, i just need literally any other white country.

There was a short british ugly faggot at my work who every girl had a crush on. I didnt get it, but its the voice. Women are retarded and love the voice.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
another person in your apartment just gets in the way of jerking off, playing video games, reading comics, and watching the NBA

wives stink
accurate. I’m in too deep now, but I’m a weird motherfucker and I could be just as happy as a loner. That’s aberrant behavior though and I’m not sure how viable it is in the long run on a human level. Last night, I had a nightmare wherein I had an ex gf in my house and I was trying to keep her and my wife away from and ignorant of each other


I have a face like a shovel
accurate. I’m in too deep now, but I’m a weird motherfucker and I could be just as happy as a loner. That’s aberrant behavior though and I’m not sure how viable it is in the long run on a human level. Last night, I had a nightmare wherein I had an ex gf in my house and I was trying to keep her and my wife away from and ignorant of each other
and grew up in a house where my parents were only married for, like, 3 years and then got divorced so.....no- i'm not going to blame my parents

...i just like not being annoyed


NYC Mayor
I want to have the lifestyle where I have a nice big house to myself, and right off to the side/near the back is a more modest house with a little flappy door that my wife can get on all fours and climb into her little house when she's done visiting me for the day/night. Don't get me wrong, she can sleep in my bed. Her house doesn't even need a bedroom. But she's not hanging out at mine all day long too. This forces her to keep
"making plans" to see you or at least the demoralizing "I have to knock on the door" distant feeling that all ladies deserve.

Why do we let them suckle on us like leeches? They will literally copy your hobbies/opinions/things you do back to you... The mentally weaker sex.