Who was right during this dumb argument?


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Danny was wrong because anyone of his computer literacy level at the time should have been well acquainted with ZShare.net, which was not a scam site.

It was just a file/video sharing site like MEGA is now. It was the go-to site for movie pirates. It may have had popups, but I never encountered them because if you didn't have the popup blocker enabled, it was your own fault.

The other reason Danny was wrong, he stopped the show. "No! I'm not clicking on it!" Oh great, guess we'll sit here and change the subject then.


Potential R* Screenshotter
Just listened to this the other day. While Patrice definitely ramped it up to a 10, Danny seemed to be fed up with his shit. Also, it’s not a bit-killer if they don’t play a porn video on the air, just sayin.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Just listened to this the other day. While Patrice definitely ramped it up to a 10, Danny seemed to be fed up with his shit. Also, it’s not a bit-killer if they don’t play a porn video on the air, just sayin.

I seem to remember them talking about and trying to access a pirated movie, not porn. And regardless of subject matter it is absolutely a bit killer.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Throwback to just one moment where Danny was mogged by anonymous radio fans while trying to blend in



Danny is a kike faggot but he was correct in this one instance. Patrice is a funny guy but I’ve never bought into the god worship of him. He was wrong plenty of times and he was for sure lying about pulling hot chicks. He was probably about equal to big Jay in that regard except big Jay is mostly honest about how fat and ugly his conquests are.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Danny is a kike faggot but he was correct in this one instance. Patrice is a funny guy but I’ve never bought into the god worship of him. He was wrong plenty of times and he was for sure lying about pulling hot chicks. He was probably about equal to big Jay in that regard except big Jay is mostly honest about how fat and ugly his conquests are.
Lol this nigga listens to Bonfire and/or Skanks. Kys