Where we at with 90s Nickelodeon shows?


choke you to sleep, slap you awake

Always wanted to see this lisa simpson lite get killed by a jungle animal she was trying to chase.

She was always interfering in wildlife and demanding they "communicate" with her, no doubt wanted to get fucked by animals.
Hey Arnold is the only one I still rewatch sometimes. That show was pretty fucking funny and holds up pretty well.

Rocko was pretty good too, but they ruined the reboot with the tranny nonsense.

I remember really liking Rugrats as a kid, but never went back and rewatched any of it and don't have any desire to. Doesn't seem like something that would holdup that all after your older than 6.


Hey Arnold is the only one I still rewatch sometimes. That show was pretty fucking funny and holds up pretty well.

Rocko was pretty good too, but they ruined the reboot with the tranny nonsense.

I remember really liking Rugrats as a kid, but never went back and rewatched any of it and don't have any desire to. Doesn't seem like something that would holdup that all after your older than 6.
I actually recommend watching some of the older Rugrats episodes as an adult. I've come across a few funny jokes that I wouldn't have understood as a kid.

Hey Arnold definitely is something I watch any time I see it on PlutoTV. It was the first cartoon that had that urban setting that I grew up in and felt relatable.