Was Opie the only one who could stay awake at work?


Anthony: Was caught sleeping at work by his own uncle, who fired him for sleeping at work. Later slept at work in the studios live on the air.

Norton: Gleefully admitted to sleeping in the offices at Tough Crowd when Quinn trusted him to be a writer. I wonder why that show got cancelled? Could it be that the writers were literally napping in the writers room?

Opie: Attends meetings with management, provides the lifeblood of the program, etc.
Anthony: Was caught sleeping at work by his own uncle, who fired him for sleeping at work. Later slept at work in the studios live on the air.

Norton: Gleefully admitted to sleeping in the offices at Tough Crowd when Quinn trusted him to be a writer. I wonder why that show got cancelled? Could it be that the writers were literally napping in the writers room?

Opie: Attends meetings with management, provides the lifeblood of the program, etc.
Tough Crowd was cancelled because of the liberals you silly goose.

Sue Lightning

Jim slept in the studios on air too. When he wasn’t in the middle of eating on air, or writing his book on air, etc. I remember shows where Jim would literally wake up mid discussion and they’d have to fill him in. It’s no surprise K rock wanted to dump his ass.

As far as Opie - Opie didn’t sleep because he was basically the only person everyone depended on to keep the show running. Could Ant or Jim run the show? Of course and they did it many times when Opie wasn’t there. But if the three of them were all in studio together and Opie decided to start sleeping the show would fucking flounder because Jim and Ant would have been unprepared and are amateurs at the radio.

The second thing is entitlement. Jim used to be a water sprinkler installer, later a comic. He saw radio as easy money where he could do whatever the fuck on air and get paid handsomely. Same goes for Anthony and his blue collar history. Opie is the only one who had been working in radio since he was FAAWWWKIN Eighteen and understood the importance of, you know, not sleeping on air. Opie was definitely full of himself. Thought the show was bigger than it was when it was winding down in 2013-2014. But if anything it shows a care about the show and wanting to be bigger. I think Ant was correct saying he realized they were at the end of their careers during those years, but that doesn’t mean you just fucking phone it in. As long as you have listeners your job is to entertain them and keep them listening which no one understood except Opie.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Colin said that he hired Jim and Keith as writers so not only would they be on the show but they would also get a salary. It would motivate them to write, etc. They were only picked up for a test run and he went into the office in the morning and they were watching porn and Keith was lying on the couch.