Was Jim Croce a sex-pest?


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
"Operator" is one of the most perfectly written songs ever. "Time in a Bottle" gets stuck in my head at least once a week.

Can't this place leave me at least one hero? Does every mustachioed, Arab looking gentleman have to turn out to be a creep?



The Backbone of America
"Operator" is one of the most perfectly written songs ever. "Time in a Bottle" gets stuck in my head at least once a week.

Can't this place leave me at least one hero? Does every mustachioed, Arab looking gentleman have to turn out to be a creep?

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Operator is fucking incredible. Lotta good songs about trying to call a bitch on the phone. Operator, Telephone Line, Sylvia's Mother, the 8675309 one, the Mel Gibson Tapes Heavy Metal Remix, etc.