Unemployed man explains to America that he will not be able to make it into work today


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.


Stand Alone Fruit
Says the man that hasn’t worked a real job in well over a decade. His bandwagon fan shit is another one of his awful traits. I saw him bragging about “predicting” the Bucks would win in 6 games. Of course he made that prediction after game 5 after bucks went up 3-2. No sports knowledge needed for that, piggy. That’s like claiming your team would win in the 4th quarter up two touchdowns with 2 minutes left.


Stand Alone Fruit
Is his tee shirt photoshopped?
"He loves it in the ass" ? Come on.
It’s a legit shirt and everyone took turns getting a photo with the arrow pointing to them in laughter. Of course Pat can’t be the butt of any joke and is not allowed to be made fun of so he took a photo on his other side the shirt arrow wouldn’t point at him. That’s how fragile his ego is, he can’t even join in on an obvious joke among friends. Mama Raven said nobody is allowed to laugh at her very special pig boy.
Most people just go to work and deal with it. Or will moderate how much they drink because they're responsible adults.

The idea of calling in sick willy nilly just isn't a fucking option for me or most people. My job is important and if I don't work I don't get paid, and if I don't get paid I don't have anyone to give me handouts.

Patrick S Tomlinson is a childish childlike little fat child. He knows nothing about the real world


Stand Alone Fruit
Here’s a 41 year old man bragging about being too hungover to work a job he doesn’t have. I haven’t had a bad hangover since college and that was 15 years ago. I’ve never missed work due to drinking because I’m a responsible adult and not some loser that can’t handle his booze. Adults suck it up and go in since your job is more important than drinking because a team you didn’t care about until sunday won the NBA finals.


Stand Alone Fruit
Let's be honest, it's the kind of shirt you'd buy at a Spencer's in Tampa. It's not something an adult should own. UNLESS you have it specifically to wear to one of these cons where every person you stand next to makes for a hilarious photo op. I think it was a good play.
The shirt served it’s purpose and was a big hit that brought lots of laughs. Except from Pat because he can never be the butt of a joke. He made sure to stand on the other side for a photo op so the arrow wouldn’t point at him. I have a feeling Ade saw that and thought to herself “ugh, he can’t even be fun around his friends” which helped her leave him for PCJ who had no problem taking a photo that suggests he likes it in the ass.