Twitter announces it is testing downvote feature, piggy reacts predictably


Opie Simp

Better be warming up those accounts, atalkers! Bonus reaction from stupid fat whore, MM Schill:


Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I am still not a fan of seeing who likes and car-crashes our posts here....
to further explain, i just want to see the total # of ribs, not "fag & fag and 5 others like your comment"

ALSO, why the fuck is there a notification every time someone likes something?
The other forum had it perfect, you made a post, hey certain people ribbed it, now let it be done. I don't need a new notification every time a retard found what i wrote funny.
Fuckin thing sucks

Will Tate

Oven March
to further explain, i just want to see the total # of ribs, not "fag & fag and 5 others like your comment"

ALSO, why the fuck is there a notification every time someone likes something?
The other forum had it perfect, you made a post, hey certain people ribbed it, now let it be done. I don't need a new notification every time a retard found what i wrote funny.
Fuckin thing sucks
All you Hollywood cunts do is complain.


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
Obvious and unfunny, Patrick. Shame.

This twitter downvote business seems like some kind of Jew trickery. Are they trying to track people who dislike certain things, or some shit? I don't think we've heard the last about this from Fatass.
Bots to downvote f.e. government-/agenda- critical tweets, which might allow to more effectively downrank (damaging) information. And Twitter can claim precedent.