Truth from the Mouth of Brothamen Babes

Mike Glyer

Rick is Persona Non Grata on File 770
Yesterday I was driving home and my 5 year old son goes from silent to "Dad, I don't like brown people. I only like peach people."

I started going "Uhhhh don't say that..." and he explained that it's because they are the color of shit ("poop" in his words). I think it's also because every time they have a kid who can't behave in school it's a mool.

Jackie Singh, comment?

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
You should be encouraging him and teaching him the art of not relaxing, not some fruity 'accept everyone' bs.
Gotta walk a fine tightrope as a parent. I never come right out and tell my kids niggers stink, I let them do the math on their own and then slyly agree when they say something racist and give them a knowing wink without saying I’m 100% on board. If you spend all day raving about kikes and niggers in front of your daughter, once they get to the teen rebellion phase this is who you’re gonna find sitting at your dinner table



Gotta walk a fine tightrope as a parent. I never come right out and tell my kids niggers stink, I let them do the math on their own and then slyly agree when they say something racist and give them a knowing wink without saying I’m 100% on board. If you spend all day raving about kikes and niggers in front of your daughter, once they get to the teen rebellion phase this is who you’re gonna find sitting at your dinner table

That kid was coming from a place of noticing and thus spoke his own innate feelings which ought to be accepted, explored, and talked about encouragingly. I am not talking about being all "nigger this", "nigger that".

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
That kid was coming from a place of noticing and thus spoke his own innate feelings which ought to be accepted, explored, and talked about encouragingly. I am not talking about being all "nigger this", "nigger that".
If it were me I woulda scooped that liittle mug up, bounced him on my knee and told em “let’s have a look at FBI table 12a on racial crime statistics and I’ll let you decide if Jim Crow laws were really such a bad thing”


I see penises everywhere
Gotta walk a fine tightrope as a parent. I never come right out and tell my kids niggers stink, I let them do the math on their own and then slyly agree when they say something racist and give them a knowing wink without saying I’m 100% on board. If you spend all day raving about kikes and niggers in front of your daughter, once they get to the teen rebellion phase this is who you’re gonna find sitting at your dinner table

I'm reading a book right now about being a strong dad to girls.

Apparently if you do a good enough job raising your kids and let them know where you stand on this issue, it will stick. The 'rebellion phase' is essentially a shit test to see if you really believe what you say you do and if you care about your daughter.

Mike Glyer

Rick is Persona Non Grata on File 770
You should be encouraging him and teaching him the art of not relaxing, not some fruity 'accept everyone' bs.
I explained (in so many words) that he can say that shit to me and mommy but he can't reveal his knowledge of The Problem to others yet. I can't have (((society))) coming down on my 5 year old. I have no plans on feeding him the "accept everyone, everyone is equal" horseshit but he needs to play the game for now.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
I'm reading a book right now about being a strong dad to girls.

Apparently if you do a good enough job raising your kids and let them know where you stand on this issue, it will stick. The 'rebellion phase' is essentially a shit test to see if you really believe what you say you do and if you care about your daughter.
If you ever feel the urge to refer to yourself as a "girl dad" please kill yourself

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I'm reading a book right now about being a strong dad to girls.


A circle of N-words
Yesterday I was driving home and my 5 year old son goes from silent to "Dad, I don't like brown people. I only like peach people."

I started going "Uhhhh don't say that..." and he explained that it's because they are the color of shit ("poop" in his words). I think it's also because every time they have a kid who can't behave in school it's a mool.

Jackie Singh, comment?
Your kid is cool as fuck. He will slay puss and kick sand in dorks faces.