Trukish carpet salesman still thinks he's white.



Oh why yes I'm White. Why do you ask?


It died on the vine
Is this idiot's thesis that the South has fewer black people than the North? The dumbass is acting like South Carolina is Vermont

Poor Anth is gonna cry when he realizes Odell Jenkins has more community pull than him because the Odell's family has been around since before Reconstruction, while the creepy eye-talian carpetbagger Yankee just rode up and started taking pictures of the children.

He may as well move to Vermont. Legal weed and lots of caves for him to sleep in during the day.

Oh wait:


I see, the sick fuck.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Like a real minority, he longs to be white. This is one of my favorite parts of Hispanics. They have a decision to make. Do they embrace their white heritage or their native heritage? The good ones realize that white is right. I’m speaking culturally not racially you fucking racist rascals that make me laugh every day. Anthony in the other hand? Completely black. He puts in 0 effort to try and be white, yet when confronted with how nice it is, he can’t not be flabbergasted by how great it is. Cumias are really worse than blacks because at least blacks stand by their own. A cumia is a fucking pock-marked snake like no others.