This is very bad news for us


Don't thank the felon, Keith

Even though none of us involve the police here's the bottom line: The man died of a heart attack and it was blamed on the troll

We all know it's inevitable Patrick will die of cardiac arrest, if it's at the wrong time we could be liable for some faggot reason. We must convert to Judaism and invoke the Law of Return.


Runner, Unlike Fatrick
That's even worse imo who knows how many lies will be in that suicide notebook

Man, imagine being the responding officer who finds Patso’s long, boring suicide note. He’ll duck into the tiny hovel bathroom and flush that boring crap page-by-page without reading it. Even in death, Patrick S Tomlinson will have no readership.


Stand Alone Fruit
That’s the funniest part of the story. Even in his made-up lie he isn’t describing a “Swatting”
He also said he had been drinking (on a weeknight of course) and alluded to having some choice words with the officer. So his swatting involved cops knocking on his door to get a fat drunk man in a robe who then yelled at police for being stupid. Talk about white privilege, piggy.


How does that feel?!
It's when he made Robin Williams's suicide all about himself:

Holy shit, It is more pathetic than I thought. What a pompous asshole he is, "I know this monster. Not as well as some, but well enough. I have been its prey.". He typed the word ' monster ' 15 fucking times in that stupid post. Everyone damn well knows he could give a shit about Robin Williams and just used his suicide as a reason to talk about his narcissistic self some more. I loath him.

Thank you for sharing.


He also says in one of his tweets the weeds are gone but there's still plenty of them there. There's a ton around where he parks his shitty vehicles, some around the basement doors, and some in and around the garden.


Blackface Killah
Holy shit, It is more pathetic than I thought. What a pompous asshole he is, "I know this monster. Not as well as some, but well enough. I have been its prey.". He typed the word ' monster ' 15 fucking times in that stupid post. Everyone damn well knows he could give a shit about Robin Williams and just used his suicide as a reason to talk about his narcissistic self some more. I loath him.

Thank you for sharing.

Guarantee you that bitch 'Pamela' in the comment section is Pat is drag.