The Refreshments?

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I skipped a family reunion to go to this music festival headlined by Collective Soul. Roger Clyne was to be the openers. A month or so before the show I found Fizzy Fuzzy in a pawn shop for $1 so figured I'd take a look since I was about to see them. Also knew they were buddies with Gin Blossoms and was huge into them at the time. Loved it. They wound up cancelling that festival show, so didn't get to see them(met CS backstage though, and ED saw my April Wine shirt and started singing If You See Kay). Eventually I moved to a bigger city where EVERY TIME they came to town was during Burning Man so I missed them. Finally got to see them two years ago and they were tremendous. Passing around tequila bottles. Played most of the shit I wanted to hear, aside from European Swallow. Met Roger afterwards and told him I'd been trying to see them for 20 years lol. Nice guy. Great band.

(includes Violent Femmes 'Kiss Off" breakdown:



(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
