The Many Saints of Tamriel


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
If somebody told me that they made videos putting Sopranos' scenes in Elder Scrolls settings, I would've thought that idea was complete shit. Now that I've actually seen it, I can honestly say that it's...not quite so shit.

The Alex Jones ones are better because Alex Jones.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words

Skyrim is a typical janky as fuck Bethesda game, but i always find myself being drawn back to it.. i think it's the easygoing nature of the game, got the special edition a few years back too, not a bad remaster to be honest wit cha.

I bought Skyrim when it first came out, but I could never get into it. Maybe I just wasn't into the fantasy setting, but every time I went exploring, it felt like I was just lost in the woods.

The mods look pretty cool though...