I can only hope to recreate the glory that was the old post, but lets take a tour through a former shock jocks former house….
Where to start?
The entry foyer, of course. The contractor had a misunderstanding with the builder and only realized on the last steps of the staircase that he wanted it to be spiral, but its a little thing, right? This room is spacious enough for guests to spill into if you have large parties and also connects to two other rooms:
The dining room, in which the builder perplexing decided an enclosed rather than spacious design..
And the sitting room.
The sitting room has never been touched since the owner recorded his post firing video in it. It also looks like your grandmothers, or BOQs, living room. There might as well be doilies lying around.
Nice alcohol in the rooms you don’t even use, stupid. Also whats with that airvent placed so strangely on the wall? Is that a northern thing? Its in such a weird placement.
As we go through these rooms note the crown molding and baseboards. They’re all extremely basic like shit you would buy off the rack at home depot. All of the design budget goes into columns and the doorframes, which we’ll see later.
Now this hallway leads into the living room.
As you can see the owner was highly aware of his spacial restrictions and had to fit a closet in this small, small hall way. However he did have time to add a column directly at the end of the hallway for aesthetic purposes. And I can’t even comment on the door to the basement.
Here we have the living room. Many famous people have been in this room. The daughter of a comedy club owner, the daughter of a Bill Clinton staffer, a weather woman, you name it!
Lets take a detour into the office, it’s so important it needs two doors!
It is very obvious the former owner of this property got some work done in this room. The ceiling fan is a very modern addition as well.
There are a couple things you need to complete an office.
A gaming computer, a shredder, a printer…
A TV and garbage blocking the other door…
And a bathroom! Just incase you spend endless days and sleepless nights working at your Razor PC.
There are a total of 4 light switches for just the office alone, two opposing the TV and two on the wall near our entrance.
Back into the living room and you’ll notice the lovely open spaces made by the conturing wall with two AC handlers on it. It’s even got a closet! This space was made to fit the two columns.
The dining room is, once again, a room the owner seemed to occupy a lot. Once again we are faced with the odd placement of AC registers. Something else that should be praised is the decision for both the dining room AND sitting room, despite being small adjacent rooms, to both transition from tile to hardword. It is not a juxtaposition to the rest of the open downstairs at all.
Exiting into the dining room, the owner was once again gracious enough design wise to have us facing a column as we enter the living room. A bathroom was even installed right next to the dining room! Just in case anyone wants to take a shit while you’re eating and they can do it right next to you.
The columns for this side of the house form an almost walled in yet open design. It was a very smart aesthetic choice, pleasing to the eye, to have the lower right column not equal to the length of the vertical columns, and then have a diagonal wall forming a small space between the kitchen cabinet, but whatever. Its ok. The owner used this walled in design to…
Make another living room with the space. Hey wait a minute…
I count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! Nine different lightswitches, all on the same wall separated by windows. Very smart design choice.
And what if you need 4 extra outlets when you’re hanging outside after you used all the ones out there?
Where to start?
The entry foyer, of course. The contractor had a misunderstanding with the builder and only realized on the last steps of the staircase that he wanted it to be spiral, but its a little thing, right? This room is spacious enough for guests to spill into if you have large parties and also connects to two other rooms:
The dining room, in which the builder perplexing decided an enclosed rather than spacious design..
And the sitting room.
The sitting room has never been touched since the owner recorded his post firing video in it. It also looks like your grandmothers, or BOQs, living room. There might as well be doilies lying around.
Nice alcohol in the rooms you don’t even use, stupid. Also whats with that airvent placed so strangely on the wall? Is that a northern thing? Its in such a weird placement.
As we go through these rooms note the crown molding and baseboards. They’re all extremely basic like shit you would buy off the rack at home depot. All of the design budget goes into columns and the doorframes, which we’ll see later.
Now this hallway leads into the living room.
As you can see the owner was highly aware of his spacial restrictions and had to fit a closet in this small, small hall way. However he did have time to add a column directly at the end of the hallway for aesthetic purposes. And I can’t even comment on the door to the basement.
Here we have the living room. Many famous people have been in this room. The daughter of a comedy club owner, the daughter of a Bill Clinton staffer, a weather woman, you name it!
Lets take a detour into the office, it’s so important it needs two doors!
It is very obvious the former owner of this property got some work done in this room. The ceiling fan is a very modern addition as well.
There are a couple things you need to complete an office.
A gaming computer, a shredder, a printer…
A TV and garbage blocking the other door…
And a bathroom! Just incase you spend endless days and sleepless nights working at your Razor PC.
There are a total of 4 light switches for just the office alone, two opposing the TV and two on the wall near our entrance.
Back into the living room and you’ll notice the lovely open spaces made by the conturing wall with two AC handlers on it. It’s even got a closet! This space was made to fit the two columns.
The dining room is, once again, a room the owner seemed to occupy a lot. Once again we are faced with the odd placement of AC registers. Something else that should be praised is the decision for both the dining room AND sitting room, despite being small adjacent rooms, to both transition from tile to hardword. It is not a juxtaposition to the rest of the open downstairs at all.
Exiting into the dining room, the owner was once again gracious enough design wise to have us facing a column as we enter the living room. A bathroom was even installed right next to the dining room! Just in case anyone wants to take a shit while you’re eating and they can do it right next to you.
The columns for this side of the house form an almost walled in yet open design. It was a very smart aesthetic choice, pleasing to the eye, to have the lower right column not equal to the length of the vertical columns, and then have a diagonal wall forming a small space between the kitchen cabinet, but whatever. Its ok. The owner used this walled in design to…
Make another living room with the space. Hey wait a minute…
I count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! Nine different lightswitches, all on the same wall separated by windows. Very smart design choice.
And what if you need 4 extra outlets when you’re hanging outside after you used all the ones out there?