‘That seems a little far fetched’

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
That 82nd Airborne t-shirt that he got from the online gift shop after failing to deploy rips my sides to shreds. I just imagine him getting it ready days in advance. “They’re gonna find out who they’re messing with — I was ALMOST a man of distinction!”


That 82nd Airborne t-shirt that he got from the online gift shop after failing to deploy rips my sides to shreds. I just imagine him getting it ready days in advance. “They’re gonna find out who they’re messing with — I was ALMOST a man of distinction!”
Never even pictured that scenario but I will now imagine Carol horribly grinning and nodding while doing so. My ribs’ main enemy is Samcro pointing to his hat on a plane. ‘See! This means I can buy things at Army stores!’ It’s the first thing I split second think of whenever that photo of Pat pointing at his inflated head is posted.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
The rascals (references) on Musical Criticism pulled Bro Joe’s DD214. Hilarity ensued.
Yeah, I remember reading that thread. What I don’t remember was if Joe ever was forced to respond. I’d imagine he’d act like everything was 💯 and it was all fake news, LIBTARDS 😎