Stand up is awful isn't it?

Meh, they all want to be Carlin Hicks Jr. now, spouting off about "topical matters" they just saw on Twitter. Listen to Jimmy trying to riff on some Bob Lazar nonsense he just heard on Rogan or some other shitty podcast, of course the audience's attention began to wander. He sounds like a complete moron, no one went to a comedy club to hear the pre-cum/tranny guy babbling about Bob Lazar's background. They want to hear bits about deviant sexual practices, prostitutes and meaty clits, not whatever idiotic thoughts are ratting around in that insectoid head of his.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I've said it before that stand up isn't a great format for comedy. It's too "look at me" theatrical. It might've been fine for the 70s but it's become increasingly quaint. Any funny person with a brain will look to start a Cumtownesque friend simulator these days, instead of touring the entire fucking country to perform at bars and Italian restaurants.


Meh, they all want to be Carlin Hicks Jr. now, spouting off about "topical matters" they just saw on Twitter. Listen to Jimmy trying to riff on some Bob Lazar nonsense he just heard on Rogan or some other shitty podcast, of course the audience's attention began to wander. He sounds like a complete moron, no one went to a comedy club to hear the pre-cum/tranny guy babbling about Bob Lazar's background. They want to hear bits about deviant sexual practices, prostitutes and meaty clits, not whatever idiotic thoughts are ratting around in that insectoid head of his.
Through no fault of their own, Carlin, Pryor, and Hicks have ruined standup. Morons today completely forget about the early Pryor, Carlin, and Hicks who had jokes and were standups for years and evolved. Dudes just want to start off being the next Hicks or Carlin (truth to power) without putting in much of the work. Be funny, is what I'm getting at.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I've said it before that stand up isn't a great format for comedy. It's too "look at me" theatrical. It might've been fine for the 70s but it's become increasingly quaint.
It's probably a product of its time. The 80s was the height of its popularity, and you had hacks like Tim Allen get famous from doing it. Dice had a bit in the 80s that was just basically, "I'm from Brooklyn and I hate faggots".


fuck jews
I'd love for Jim to study a physics equation and explain it to a room full of people. Lazar hasn't said shit about how the space tech worked besides "it's out of our realm of knowledge" or some shit. And didn't all this shit happen in the 80s? Who fucking cares

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
These comedians feel they can talk shit about people, but have a heart attack when others talk shit about them. They usually go with the old shtick of “You must live in mothers basement”.
Don’t comedians usually come up with something original?