Schinkle bout it…
When O&A were fired for the Mayor Menino prank, the headline was “Said he was dead” but nowhere did they mention the underage male latino prostitute they implied he was with…which is OBVIOUSLY SO FAWWWKIN OVER THE TOP that it proves it was just a fawkinn bit. But from that day forward the media had a vendetta against da show….
When O&A were fired for Sex for Sam 3, the media reported it as “O&A made a couple have sex in a church…” FACTS:
1.) O&A never MADE anyone do anything you DWOPES!!!! They wrote down “sex in a church” as a fawwwkin side note…
2.) NO ONE HAD SEX. THATS THE FAWWKIN BIT YOU DWOPES!!! GAWDDD!! Do i have to fawwkin explain everything??? A couple couldn’t even begin to have sex in the St Pats cathedral no less anal sex no less on the fawwkin pews / steps…sniff.
So if they wanted to be outraged about “they pretended a couple had sex in the church” fawwkin fine. But the fact is is that they misrepresented the facts to get the boys fired…
Their next try was Homeless Charlie. They reported it as if O&A were calling for the rape and death of the then Presidents wife…when the fact is is that it was a FAWWWKIN JOKE with a HOMELESS GUY, WHO WE KNEW AND GAVE MONEY TO, that was so fawwkin insane you could never take it seriously. Once again BIASED news.
And then we have Cumia…now Cumia was right to be labelled a racist shockjock, but the media falsely reported it as this: He was a racist AND a shockjock, but not a racist shockjock. When the fact is he was the latter. There are worse Cumia rants on SXM in a month than what he posted on Twitter that night. But why didn’t the media report that? Almost like it would jeopardize SXM if it came out they let racist shit on their airwaves for years rather than the guy be a secret racist revealed. Sniff.
Basically its the juus.
When O&A were fired for the Mayor Menino prank, the headline was “Said he was dead” but nowhere did they mention the underage male latino prostitute they implied he was with…which is OBVIOUSLY SO FAWWWKIN OVER THE TOP that it proves it was just a fawkinn bit. But from that day forward the media had a vendetta against da show….
When O&A were fired for Sex for Sam 3, the media reported it as “O&A made a couple have sex in a church…” FACTS:
1.) O&A never MADE anyone do anything you DWOPES!!!! They wrote down “sex in a church” as a fawwwkin side note…
2.) NO ONE HAD SEX. THATS THE FAWWKIN BIT YOU DWOPES!!! GAWDDD!! Do i have to fawwkin explain everything??? A couple couldn’t even begin to have sex in the St Pats cathedral no less anal sex no less on the fawwkin pews / steps…sniff.
So if they wanted to be outraged about “they pretended a couple had sex in the church” fawwkin fine. But the fact is is that they misrepresented the facts to get the boys fired…
Their next try was Homeless Charlie. They reported it as if O&A were calling for the rape and death of the then Presidents wife…when the fact is is that it was a FAWWWKIN JOKE with a HOMELESS GUY, WHO WE KNEW AND GAVE MONEY TO, that was so fawwkin insane you could never take it seriously. Once again BIASED news.
And then we have Cumia…now Cumia was right to be labelled a racist shockjock, but the media falsely reported it as this: He was a racist AND a shockjock, but not a racist shockjock. When the fact is he was the latter. There are worse Cumia rants on SXM in a month than what he posted on Twitter that night. But why didn’t the media report that? Almost like it would jeopardize SXM if it came out they let racist shit on their airwaves for years rather than the guy be a secret racist revealed. Sniff.
Basically its the juus.