Sherlock Holmes


"And young. So young."
Grew up loving the Sherlock Holmes stories. If done right, Hound of the Baskervilles could be an awesome horror movie.

You should check out the book The Seven Percent Solution, which has Watson taking Holmes to Freud for treatment of his cocaine addiction. There was a great movie version made of it as well.

Young Sherlock Holmes is a real fun "what if" movie, and you should definitely check out "Without a Clue", featuring Michael Caine as Holmes.


Grew up loving the Sherlock Holmes stories. If done right, Hound of the Baskervilles could be an awesome horror movie.

You should check out the book The Seven Percent Solution, which has Watson taking Holmes to Freud for treatment of his cocaine addiction. There was a great movie version made of it as well.

Young Sherlock Holmes is a real fun "what if" movie, and you should definitely check out "Without a Clue", featuring Michael Caine as Holmes.
Freud one sounds good. I'm currently reading Sherlock vs dracula.


"And young. So young."
Check out A Study in Emerald. It’s a Neil Gaiman short story that retells Holmes’ first case with Watson (A Study in Scarlet) but sets it in the Cthulhu universe. Avoid spoilers because the twists and changes are really good.
I haven't even heard of this one! Thanks for the recommendation

Freud one sounds good. I'm currently reading Sherlock vs dracula.
My nigga


Dirty Bastard
You should watch the tv shows with Jeremy Brett as Sherlock, they're fucking great.
Most fans of Sherlock regard them as the best and Bretts as the most authentic Holmes.
Moffat blocked me on twitter when I asked was his Moriarty supposed to be channeling Graham Norton from Father Ted but only after he told me that Spielberg thought his show was great