Rittenhouse is fucked



This is what they're going to do to everyone who's actually virtuous and actually trying to help a community against the Antifa pedophiles. Trumped up charges and claim you're a terrorist.


May St. Mel bless you
No doubt. They aren't charging the cop who shot Jacob Blake, and the city refused to pay that nog any money. Plus Blake still has that rape charge. You know, the reason he resisted arrest and got shot.

Rittenhouse is going to be the sacrificial lamb to please the BLM/ Antifa crowd.


No doubt. They aren't charging the cop who shot Jacob Blake, and the city refused to pay that nog any money. Plus Blake still has that rape charge. You know, the reason he resisted arrest and got shot.

Rittenhouse is going to be the sacrificial lamb to please the BLM/ Antifa crowd.
Chauvin was a retard but he didn’t deserve the 50 years he’s getting, not even close.

Rittenhouse is some type of mutt but he should be given a medal for what he did.

All these faggot cops just listened to their watch captains and let the chimp outs proceed.

Police defunding is what needs to happen so good citizens can start laying waste to the brown and black menace like they did in the early 1900s.


Chauvin was a retard but he didn’t deserve the 50 years he’s getting, not even close.

Rittenhouse is some type of mutt but he should be given a medal for what he did.

All these faggot cops just listened to their watch captains and let the chimp outs proceed.

Police defunding is what needs to happen so good citizens can start laying waste to the brown and black menace like they did in the early 1900s.
God bless your wisdom.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
This is no surprise, Rittenhouse and his greatest ally lawyer are retards.

Nice leaving your neighbors and "community" behind to "defend" someone else's shit, stupid.

He looked for trouble and he's lucky he took out scumbags. Otherwise nobody would be defending him. To pretend he was a goo boy because he washed nigger graffiti is as delusonal as Floyd and Trayvon idolizers.

Oh he went there to 'defend against pedophiles?' Was he carrying Pedophile Seeking Bullets too? Ridiculous notion. Kid went there to larp but was able to keep it together and survive. Good on him for that, but this case is nothing like Nic Sandmann who did nothing wrong and deserved every CNN shekel.

Rittenhouse killed in self defense, he doesn't need to be locked up, but the point is he "defended himself" because he deliberately placed himself there. If I'm not crying for faggot Floyd why would anyone cry for fake tough guy act Rittenhouse


I'm just this guy you know?
This is no surprise, Rittenhouse and his greatest ally lawyer are retards.

Nice leaving your neighbors and "community" behind to "defend" someone else's shit, stupid.

He looked for trouble and he's lucky he took out scumbags. Otherwise nobody would be defending him. To pretend he was a goo boy because he washed nigger graffiti is as delusonal as Floyd and Trayvon idolizers.

Oh he went there to 'defend against pedophiles?' Was he carrying Pedophile Seeking Bullets too? Ridiculous notion. Kid went there to larp but was able to keep it together and survive. Good on him for that, but this case is nothing like Nic Sandmann who did nothing wrong and deserved every CNN shekel.

Rittenhouse killed in self defense, he doesn't need to be locked up, but the point is he "defended himself" because he deliberately placed himself there. If I'm not crying for faggot Floyd why would anyone cry for fake tough guy act Rittenhouse
He wanted to protect businesses from being lit on fire (which they were) to add to his police resume. Then a nigger struck him with a skateboard, a coon ran up to him and pulled out his gun, and a methed up heeb child molester attacked him. I don't know why you're attacking an American hero.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
He wanted to protect businesses from being lit on fire (which they were) to add to his police resume. Then a nigger struck him with a skateboard, a coon ran up to him and pulled out his gun, and a methed up heeb child molester attacked him. I don't know why you're attacking an American hero.

Ohhh, he did it for professional reasons. Case dismissed then.



He definitely went there to larp as a tacticool faggot, and he should of just did this in his own neighborhood if the chimp army showed up. Unfortunately no one bothered to do this in that neighborhood but him.

It goes beyond him. What he did is exactly what needs to happen everywhere.

Cops only arrest victims now. That spic dude that fought with Antifa the other day over the pervert in the spa got arrested and they didn't touch Antifa.


I'm just this guy you know?
Ohhh, he did it for professional reasons. Case dismissed then.

Well what he did was legal. Meth head retards attacking him wasn't. If this was a different era he wouldn't even be dealing with this. Everyone would just be like "Oh he shot a commie, a child molester, and another commie for violently attacking him, after burning down a city? Let's give him a medal."