Rest in pieces Pat


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt

At least his dog will be happy.


Runner, Unlike Fatrick
I never met him, I don't know how he is in real life, but two things are clear:

1. Fuck him for giving up long ago yet making all of you over there pay for him

2. Fuck him for outliving Fezzie

There is no God.

I always thought he was funny in small doses, and he seems like a nice person, but I can’t agree more about Point 1.

People like Patso think that COVID treatment shouldn’t be covered if you choose not to vaccinate? I think for porkers like the Pats- people who choose sit on their ass and get fat and sick - taxpayers and insurers shouldn’t pay for anything beyond the extra-duty meat wagon to pick up their bodies from their respective hovels.

You made your sty now lay in it.


Dirty Bastard
There’s no excuse for it, my uncle always had a pack of mars bars and litre bottle of coke . He wasn’t grossly overweight but the minute he was diagnosed diabetic aged 40 he cut all that shit out, no sugar or candy but thats too much of a sacrifice and effort for some fat fucks.
If he croaks does Nana or Joe move into the trailer?