REPORT THIS SICKO! ANOTHER fat woman declares war on Honey Badger

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
For those who haven't heard of Rebekah, this woman (friend of Jackie's) slept with underage boys, raised a wannabe school shooter, and submitted fake documents in federal court to try and frame Ron DeSantis as purposely actively carrying out political assassinations using COVID as a weapon lol. There's a lot of lore here.



Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
For those who haven't heard of Rebekah, this woman (friend of Jackie's) slept with underage boys, raised a wannabe school shooter, and submitted fake documents in federal court to try and frame Ron DeSantis as purposely actively carrying out political assassinations using COVID as a weapon lol. There's a lot of lore here.

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Well down here in Louisiana she’s more known for being fired from her position at LSU, and assaulting the police when they came to remove her from the building. Of course some bleeding heart chump DA in Baton Rouge reduced her charges, I’ll let you guess what color he was being the DA in that shithole.
Rebekah Jones is now a Patverse side character? Oh lord. That bitch is certifiable and I'm not surprised she's friends with Snax. They both like underage guys, have no verifiable skills aside from a cunt and are disgraced nobodies coasting on attention from lefty Twitter simps in place of a real job.
Almost as if all the losers in the world pool together like discarded toilet paper to form a clump of misery thats too big to flush.

Harry Powell

For those who haven't heard of Rebekah, this woman (friend of Jackie's) slept with underage boys, raised a wannabe school shooter, and submitted fake documents in federal court to try and frame Ron DeSantis as purposely actively carrying out political assassinations using COVID as a weapon lol. There's a lot of lore here.

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Fawk bro, not a mute!!!


-Former DMANIC
For those who haven't heard of Rebekah, this woman (friend of Jackie's) slept with underage boys, raised a wannabe school shooter, and submitted fake documents in federal court to try and frame Ron DeSantis as purposely actively carrying out political assassinations using COVID as a weapon lol. There's a lot of lore here.

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She cute

Lard Glug

Lard Glug contains neither lard nor glug.
Rebekah Jones is now a Patverse side character? Oh lord. That bitch is certifiable and I'm not surprised she's friends with Snax. They both like underage guys, have no verifiable skills aside from a cunt and are disgraced nobodies coasting on attention from lefty Twitter simps in place of a real job.

A cunt is not a skill. As legendary funny man Jim Norin once said, in a line so funny it was added to the O&A intro, “If is pussy could talk, it would say duh.”
Well down here in Louisiana she’s more known for being fired from her position at LSU, and assaulting the police when they came to remove her from the building. Of course some bleeding heart chump DA in Baton Rouge reduced her charges, I’ll let you guess what color he was being the DA in that shithole.
I hadn't heard of her buffoonery there. You learn something new everyday!

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I hadn't heard of her buffoonery there. You learn something new everyday!
Staff member booked after altercation with LSUPD officers

On June 13, 26-year-old University staff member Rebekah Jones was booked on one count of battery on a police officer, one count of remaining after forbidden and two counts of resisting arrest, Scott said. Scott said officers arrived at the Sea Grant building when Jones refused to leave at the request of LSU Human Resources. Scott said Jones initiated physical contact against two LSUPD officers while resisting arrest and officers were forced to subdue her.

Her own Wikipedia states this is why the Florida Law Enforcement Division did an armed raid on her shack.

In December 2022, she signed a deferred prosecution agreement admitting guilt to unauthorized use of the state's emergency alert system on November 10, 2020, which resulted in her home being searched under warrant by state police in December 2020. The execution of the warrant with armed police, widely referred to as a raid, was due to a 2016 battery charge against Jones by the Louisiana State University police. In 2023, Jones pled no-contest to a 2019 charge of cyberstalking a former Florida State University student. She was fired from both institutions.

PS- Article from Daytona Beach news paper about the FDLE raid on her house and them using her battery of LEO in Baton Rouge as a reason for going in strapped.

PSS- if you didn’t know how much of a scumbag Becky Jones is…

Police in Tallahassee charged Jones six times during and after her stint at Florida State University. The first three –– felony robbery, trespassing and contempt of court –– occurred when Jones was in a relationship with an undergraduate student.

Jones, then a 28-year-old Ph.D. student and teaching assistant in the geography department, taught the 21-year-old student in one of her classes. He flirted with her so much that other students began to notice his innuendos, according to the essay Jones submitted to the district court

The two began an intimate relationship, though by then, Jones was no longer his instructor.

The first time they had sex she said the student removed his condom, despite Jones’s repeated objections. They continued their sexual relationship after that, and despite Jones using a form of birth control, a routine doctor's appointment revealed that she was pregnant. Jones said that when he failed to convince her to have an abortion, he sought to destroy her through the legal process.

The student did not respond to emails or calls requesting comment about these events.

The head of the geography department said in an email that Jones received favorable reviews as both a student and professor. However, FSU dismissed Jones after a Title IX investigation into the affair.

All of the charges against Jones were dropped except for one. It concerned an article she posted about her relationship on an abuse survivor’s blog. The student said the post had explicit photos of him, and prosecutors decided to charge her with cyberstalking and sexual harassment. Jones’s personnel file indicates that the Department of Health did not consider those charges an obstacle to her job.

She committed a burglary and revenge porn on her former lover and got fired from FSU. After she had been fired from LSU and threw a computer she was attempting to steal at a cop.

Also her son threatened a school shooting, proving the piece of shit doesent fall far from the psychopath’s ass.

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