Reminder: Ozzy Osbourne did not give a fuck about Jim Norton's birthday gift


“Thats what he thinks of your stupid books!”

What a genuinely great line by Opie.

Whats funny is Opie sledge hammered a rare pinball machine that a Ron and Fez producer (Al Dukes) bought as a “please like me Opie” gift.

Its funny Opie and Ozzy share a similar distain for try hard gifts

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Just picture Norton the day before, excitedly shopping for birthday gifts to present to his addle-brained "idol" who has no idea that he even exists. It's just so deeply amusing.
It’s really worse than that imo, it looks like he went to the barnes and noble next door, or more likely told kenny to go. then said “buy the biggest beatles books they have, and make it snappy!”

if norton gave a slight fuck, he might have bought something you couldnt get at literally any chain book store

maybe something the Beatles owned or the very least signed

For example, if I had Norton’s presence and and cash, and I wanted to impress him. I’d buy him a tranny hooker

Do you think Jim’s gonna leave that gift on the table?

Of course not, because I was a fan of Norton and I know what he would like.

If I wanted to get Ozzy a gift, I’d buy a muzzle for his bitch


Still spreading the O&A virus
It’s really worse than that imo, it looks like he went to the barnes and noble next door, or more likely told kenny to go. then said “buy the biggest beatles books they have, and make it snappy!”
Norton is a weasel and squirmy faggot with those gifts. He got him giant coffee table books clearly hoping that Ozzy would leave them out for guests or his faggy reality TV show. And then people would say "oh nice books" and Ozzy would replay "yeah comedian Jim Norton got them for me....famous radio show host". Norton probably fantasized about Ozzy showing off the books on camera and then Norton playing the clips on O&A and showing how famous he was. What a fucking tool.


Norton is a weasel and squirmy faggot with those gifts. He got him giant coffee table books clearly hoping that Ozzy would leave them out for guests or his faggy reality TV show. And then people would say "oh nice books" and Ozzy would replay "yeah comedian Jim Norton got them for me....famous radio show host". Norton probably fantasized about Ozzy showing off the books on camera and then Norton playing the clips on O&A and showing how famous he was. What a fucking tool.
I think Norton didnt think that far ahead is what I’m saying

He treated Ozzy like a grandson you never see you remember liked the beatles when he was 9

He wanted to act like he knew ozzy by buying him “beatles books”

the most oversaturated band in history, liking the Beatles is like liking pizza

this is why Jim Norton will never have a relationship


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I never saw Opie, Dopey or Norton until years on listening to them. Same as Ron and Fez.

Opie's visual element worked out great for Count Wopula, ainna? Without hearing them talk, other than Tunisian Knifefighter, could you tell Bobo from Norton? Opie from Than?

A cast of deformed manlet faggots of this caliber may never again be assembled.


“You’re my favorite person ever”
What kind of grown man says that to another grown man?
Fucking pathetic, and douche chills

I imagine Ozzy has a pretty nice sized ego, but even he had to go, “huh?”

The Oz man is two strokes past having childhood hero's

On another note

Usually when you go to AA they teach you some kind of belief in a higher power

I kinda wonder, if 18 yo Norton made his higher Power Gene Simmons and Ozzy (two higher powers)

He always seems to want to clarify that you dont need to accept God as the higher power, it cant be anyone or anything

Which is bullshit, and totally subverts AA, but its obvious Borton used the program to network with celebrities


It’s really worse than that imo, it looks like he went to the barnes and noble next door, or more likely told kenny to go. then said “buy the biggest beatles books they have, and make it snappy!”

if norton gave a slight fuck, he might have bought something you couldnt get at literally any chain book store

maybe something the Beatles owned or the very least signed

For example, if I had Norton’s presence and and cash, and I wanted to impress him. I’d buy him a tranny hooker

Do you think Jim’s gonna leave that gift on the table?

Of course not, because I was a fan of Norton and I know what he would like.

If I wanted to get Ozzy a gift, I’d buy a muzzle for his bitch
Yeah it really was fucking stupid. Ozzy could just call Paul McCartney on the phone and talk to him or invite him over if we wanted to. He doesn’t need some fucking mass produced horseshit for rubes.