REMINDER: Chris Jericho pwned Jim "The Faggot" Norton

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.

I'm not going to timestamp anything because I don't owe you an explanation, children.

Jericho warns Jim not to make a joke about Christopher Reeve. Jim does it anyway, and Jericho is pissed for a while. Things calm down, and then Jericho puts the screws to Jim by laughing at his jokes and remarking, "now THAT'S funny!", insinuating that everything else he says is unfunny drivel. Jericho got offended, but then worked Jim into a shoot by BREAKING THE COMEDIAN CODE and basically telling him that he's a hack. Jim whines that Jericho is calling him a hack, albeit in a sarcastic way, and Jericho just keeps responding with "no, that was a good joke!"

The Worm is seething by the end of this.

Baby boy piece of trash.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Literally everyone in the room laughed at the joke Norton made. Jericho had no idea that the show was dark with its comedy. He only knew the show because other fag wrestlers were listeners. A bunch of WWE wrestlers had similar appearances on O&A. Where they would go onto the show to promote their book or some charity. But meanwhile the comedians are talking about robbing hookers or racial humor or ripping on retarded children.

The best version of this was when The Rock came onto the show and got into it with some listener who was in the studio over racist comments on his website. And O&A said something like "The Rock's career will be over in a few years".

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
First, he hit her with a champagne bottle. Then he dumped a box of pads on her. Then he threw a barrage of tampons at her.

That's just funny shit even if you're not an incel.
The whole show was so over the top during this time... I mean, they alluded that Triple H drugged, kidnapped, married against her will, and raped the unconscious body of Stephanie McMahon. And it's the funniest shit ever.



the Gentleman's sissy hypno
It was probably more because Jericho's mom is actually a paraplegic. But yeah it's not like Jimmy would have known that and still gone ahead with the joke to be edgy, genuinely, he'd tell you if he would.
damn how did this name and Nick Gurr go under the radar for so long @BillKlacks shoutout, the classic standby digger nick seems quaint these days