Shave your hair into a mohawk, get one of those fake sleeve tattoos, add some clip on piercing and shit like that.
Sometimes when I'm alone in my bed at night (I haven't had a relationship in 9 years /smirks/); I ponder.
I look at the ceiling and wonder how we have fallen so far as a society?
How has America the beautiful, a land where we split on those in the military industrial complex drafting our sons, embraced the bastion of freedom in nascent developing countries, and permissed women to be equal to that grand status of "the white man", how has the america I knew become so commercialized?
Punk? think you know what punk is?
My grandmother is more punk than you, and she's been 6 feet under for 2 decades.
Yes, you, you slovenly hipster "weeaboo", brainwashing future generations into the paradigm of commodification for profit.
Look at me, do I have green hair? Piercings?
Do I fly the antifa flag that is awfully reminscent of the al-shabab flags I saw while touring darfur in '98?
I don't think so.
You silver spooned assholes that watch anime all day think you can decide what *is* and what *isn't* punk rock. I've got news for you buddy: It's not your fashion, or your hairstyle, or your zany dimwitted political opinions.
Punk is whatever you want it to be.
Some say that we've crossed the bridge too far, consumption choices are now interwoven with sub genres and musical cliques.
If we've truly passed over that classless river of heterogenous music affiliation, then consider me stuck on a boat without a paddle, comrade.