Patrick's douchey autism gets enabled by account with 100k followers


Don't thank the felon, Keith
This oughta help the numbahs



"Our only way out of this" is still an opinion fat pig
Shhh child, mankind went extinct several times before herb medicine became a thing 6-7 thousands years ago, scientific medicine 500 years ago, and vaccines the last 100 plus years or so. There is no way out of this except for untested, ineffective, genetic modifying injections that Joe Biden made possible as a candidate for President, hush now and wait for the jab.
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Pat doesn't keep up with science or philosophy... or anything besides twitter, really. The way he words it, he's saying that the vaccines are all safe and effective in all cases, no matter what. But I don't think he's investigated any cases, never mind all of them. Probably because he's too fat


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Dr Nigel Igger making an appearance in the comments was a nice surprise.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
That’s called networking, alright, child. It’s what this political firebrand does professionally. I’m sorry everyone’s so stupid. Pat just can’t help you.