Patrick "Facts and Empathy" Tomlinson wants unvaccinated people to be "excluded from society"



[URL='']Patrick S. Tomlinson

Stop trying to "reach" these people. You will never, ever convince them to with facts and empathy. They see both as weakness.

They want to be unvaccinated, fine. That's a choice that should come with consequences. If they won't protect society, it's time to exclude them from it.


I'm just this guy you know?

Just say you hate Mexicans Pat. Just say it.
as usual, it's not his original idea & it's happening (or at least proposed) in some europeen countries, but I'm sure a society of unvaxed people would be more industrious, we (I say 'we' cus I'm all-in) could kickstart an instant economy with a cryptocurrency & people who abide our politics could get involved & get involved virtually, there's also enough diversity of thought amongst vaccine skeptics to propagate a nice society.

also, a child-abandoner talking about empathy is uniquely funny

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
as usual, it's not his original idea & it's happening (or at least proposed) in some europeen countries, but I'm sure a society of unvaxed people would be more industrious, we (I say 'we' cus I'm all-in) could kickstart an instant economy with a cryptocurrency & people who abide our politics could get involved & get involved virtually, there's also enough diversity of thought amongst vaccine skeptics to propagate a nice society.

also, a child-abandoner talking about empathy is uniquely funny
That's why I think all of this lockdown bullshit is going to backfire, because the smarter lower-middle class people will realise over time it's just easier to have a job that's lockdown-proof (garbageman, mailman, cleaner, whatever) than to be at the mercy of the government and landlords. We have too many service industry jobs and retail stores that sell cheap shit from Asia, and those are the ones failing.

What I'm suggesting is that it's actually the lazier people in society who are pro-vaxx. It's not "we have to get everybody back to work", it's "I want to get back to my job that any idiot could do".

In Pat's case, he just wants to go back to Hooligan's and eat the meatloaf he was too lazy to make himself.