Once again I am SHAMELESSLY ripping off the DMAN by writing a novel length post about the 30 year old radio show known as …what was it again? Dopey and Agony? Donald and Slim? ….Oh yeah. “OPIE AND ANTHONY”
The name still inflicts fear in the mainstream media drones…and for some, PTSD flashbacks of airhorns and slipping out some OOPSIES live on air.
But i’m not talking about the 30 year old “RADIO SHOW” (deep rooted cultural cornerstone of the millennium) that was a powerhouse year after year, and destroyed HOO HOO HOWIE like David and Goliath…oh you sling the rock, do you sling the rock every week the rock when you sling it every week when you sling it?
I’m talking about something deeper, something darker, something HIDDEN by the same DWOPES who tried burying O&A in little closet studios so long ago…Hidden power, secrets, cover-ups, corruption. You think you know the whole story? THINK AGAIN.
Theres hours upon hours of LOST Opie and Anthony content…not just of the show itself but from here as well…OUR LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA FOLKS.
The archiving of the show is decent in its later years but theres a lot missing from the early ones. Rather than list specific days i’ll list entire months:
-Most shows before 1998
-06-07/1999 and 09-10/1999
-07/2000 and 10/2000
Other months from the 1998-2000 timeframe have incomplete archives for some shows. Included in these clips is the Lobster Girl audio famously scrubbed from everywhere.
Opie mentions this in the clip when HOWIE made an appearance on Letterman (Fuckingggg YUCK !!) . Opie (genius) was explaining the BRILLIANCE of how dis Youtube ting was putting all these fawwwkin video services onto the pay no mind list…and how the OPSTER had a DVD full on O&A bitssss they were going to release, and that maybe he would put it on the internet…NEVER CAME.
I’ve asked the Opster about this. He left me on read. but we used to talk on the phone for hours. Sniff.
Now one of you fellow forumbrained faggots can REMIND me of the details on this one, but from what I remember, around 2017-18 the worm had an incident with his CHICK and went on instagram just brooding and sobbing like a BITCH.
NOTE: That picture of Jim crying is NOT from the livestream, even if its said to be. No one recorded it and the livestream is lost to time, only remembered by retards like me, a wisp of a memory of a reddit post of someone who said they saw something…
I’ve gone over this one before, but I don’t expect anyone to remember. Sniff. It’s alright. In my CLASSIC JOE CUMIA style i’ll KEEP IT BRIEF The BASICS is that “Antoine Kumba” Sent a very rude text to his boss which was meant for his coworker! OOPS! The show started late as the fight went on and the Opster walked out…but rumor has it the FAGGOT PARASITE LOSERS on DEGENERATE PEDOPHILE FARM “PALTALK” may have been privy to this argument, as the show had started for them . However, being FAGGOT Nana ballwashers, they refused to record it or deleted it to protect their cowardly (gay) Lebanese spice trader. Opie even ACKNOWLEDGED this in his response to Greggshells , saying “everyone fawwwkin heard (the argument)”
I’ve written enough so these ones need LITTLE EXPLANATION:
I wake up screaming - A video from the heyday after Nanas arrest and the Sue reveal. The rough cut only exists on Youtube but the full version has been deleted.
Lady Di’s first appearance - It is unknown to O&A when they first met Di, and her first appearance is unknown.
How to Chain Your Dragon - One of the funniest Opie creations and sadly deleted. No idea why. Sniff.
Bald Opie Amy Schumer video - The original Amy Schumer joke theft video (MILLIONS OF VIEWS and RUINED HER CAREER) was started by this thing of ours. Sniff. BUT the original video had a slowly zooming in picture of bald Opie at the end…for unknown reasons it was deleted and the non-Opster is the one that exists now.
Bam Margera sex tape - Need I say more?
The name still inflicts fear in the mainstream media drones…and for some, PTSD flashbacks of airhorns and slipping out some OOPSIES live on air.
But i’m not talking about the 30 year old “RADIO SHOW” (deep rooted cultural cornerstone of the millennium) that was a powerhouse year after year, and destroyed HOO HOO HOWIE like David and Goliath…oh you sling the rock, do you sling the rock every week the rock when you sling it every week when you sling it?
I’m talking about something deeper, something darker, something HIDDEN by the same DWOPES who tried burying O&A in little closet studios so long ago…Hidden power, secrets, cover-ups, corruption. You think you know the whole story? THINK AGAIN.
Theres hours upon hours of LOST Opie and Anthony content…not just of the show itself but from here as well…OUR LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA FOLKS.
The archiving of the show is decent in its later years but theres a lot missing from the early ones. Rather than list specific days i’ll list entire months:
-Most shows before 1998
-06-07/1999 and 09-10/1999
-07/2000 and 10/2000
Other months from the 1998-2000 timeframe have incomplete archives for some shows. Included in these clips is the Lobster Girl audio famously scrubbed from everywhere.
Opie mentions this in the clip when HOWIE made an appearance on Letterman (Fuckingggg YUCK !!) . Opie (genius) was explaining the BRILLIANCE of how dis Youtube ting was putting all these fawwwkin video services onto the pay no mind list…and how the OPSTER had a DVD full on O&A bitssss they were going to release, and that maybe he would put it on the internet…NEVER CAME.
I’ve asked the Opster about this. He left me on read. but we used to talk on the phone for hours. Sniff.
Now one of you fellow forumbrained faggots can REMIND me of the details on this one, but from what I remember, around 2017-18 the worm had an incident with his CHICK and went on instagram just brooding and sobbing like a BITCH.
NOTE: That picture of Jim crying is NOT from the livestream, even if its said to be. No one recorded it and the livestream is lost to time, only remembered by retards like me, a wisp of a memory of a reddit post of someone who said they saw something…
I’ve gone over this one before, but I don’t expect anyone to remember. Sniff. It’s alright. In my CLASSIC JOE CUMIA style i’ll KEEP IT BRIEF The BASICS is that “Antoine Kumba” Sent a very rude text to his boss which was meant for his coworker! OOPS! The show started late as the fight went on and the Opster walked out…but rumor has it the FAGGOT PARASITE LOSERS on DEGENERATE PEDOPHILE FARM “PALTALK” may have been privy to this argument, as the show had started for them . However, being FAGGOT Nana ballwashers, they refused to record it or deleted it to protect their cowardly (gay) Lebanese spice trader. Opie even ACKNOWLEDGED this in his response to Greggshells , saying “everyone fawwwkin heard (the argument)”
I’ve written enough so these ones need LITTLE EXPLANATION:
I wake up screaming - A video from the heyday after Nanas arrest and the Sue reveal. The rough cut only exists on Youtube but the full version has been deleted.
Lady Di’s first appearance - It is unknown to O&A when they first met Di, and her first appearance is unknown.
How to Chain Your Dragon - One of the funniest Opie creations and sadly deleted. No idea why. Sniff.
Bald Opie Amy Schumer video - The original Amy Schumer joke theft video (MILLIONS OF VIEWS and RUINED HER CAREER) was started by this thing of ours. Sniff. BUT the original video had a slowly zooming in picture of bald Opie at the end…for unknown reasons it was deleted and the non-Opster is the one that exists now.
Bam Margera sex tape - Need I say more?