One of the funniest video production bits EVER created.


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
...says Joe.


A video of Anth in a house he had to sell, with guns he had to hand over the the police due to a DV incident and an ex who later called him a boring, limp-dicked man-child that would groom children.

Someone's buttering up babybro so he can get some new teeth next month.
Just went through some of the rest of that channel. It's a lot of boring windows into a life that could have been perfect if Anthony Cumia wasn't a retard. The "Vista install in 2 minutes" video is actually kind of depressing just because he looked normal-ish and didn't seem so genuinely deranged. Not that I don't know better, but damn, he really took a toll on himself :image_9249: