Nortons new Instagram

Boqnaldo (Parody account)
You have an entire subreddit that nobody posts in and nobody likes your posts. You are a lonely third world nigger.
You're an idiot. Very dumb. Evidence? Your post history.

@Ashcroft for eg is pathetic and energetic, but not an idiot.'re dumb. It's independent of your trolling of me too, it's solely based on the cumulative effect of your post history.

Check @TheStinkySomali's post history to see if I'm hyperbolic.


Boq the Lonely Faggot

A girl literally called me handsome like yesterday
You're an idiot. Very dumb. Evidence? Your post history.

@Ashcroft for eg is pathetic and energetic, but not an idiot.'re dumb. It's independent of your trolling of me too, it's solely based on the cumulative effect of your post history.

Check his post history to see if I'm hyperbolic.


You're pathetic AND and idiot.