Norton deserves all the hate he gets. Disagree? Listen to this and change my mind.





Still spreading the O&A virus
He doesn't eat, drink, do drugs, travel or go anywhere. He looks like something you'd find under a rock near the entrance of a cave. His "interests" include UFC, Ozzy, Kiss and taking raw tranny cock up his ass. So yeah, it's kind of a mystery as to why hot 23 year old women aren't swarming him like DiCaprio.
Judging by recent photos Norton definitely eats. Also he does travel a lot. For comedy and watching UFC/boxing fights from the crowd. I have seen him in person at multiple big fights. Girls do not want him because he gives off feminine and weak energy. He projects an aura of creepiness like a pervert or degenerate. Anthony was the same as well. And still is too.

Women can generally tell when a man is truly interested in them. Especially young women. Only desperate women or single mothers will allow a pervert or weirdo into their midst. But even then Norton (and Anthony) is not interested in women so I doubt he even cares when young hot girls do not give him the time of day. He is more interested in if they have older brothers who are bodybuilders and take prep medication.