Nana Cumia admits he had a stent put in during the 2000s

Andy Elliott

Cumia after they revived his heart:

Anthony died.

He had a heart attack and died in 2003. He was revived.
Is it possible that when Anthony was dead, an ancient malevolent entity took over his body? He was ugly pre heart attack but he looks legitimately demonic now, and it’s possible the real Anthony’s ability to be funny was sapped by the demon as it walked the earth wearing his skin as an affront to nature.

Sue Lightning

<-- Never heard of Spankbang
This isn't new information. He's said it before and put it down to "the ol' beef and cigarette diet." While the ciggies are an obvious culprit, notice how he ignored his alcoholism and the stress of being a closeted homosexual as being just as valid causes for his bum ticker.
Its insane he never once thinks of the health implications of drinking. Classic old guy shit. Not surprising considering he’s been drinking since like 9-10. “It didn’t fuck me up back then, why would drinking every day for the next 60 years fuck me up?”


Its insane he never once thinks of the health implications of drinking. Classic old guy shit. Not surprising considering he’s been drinking since like 9-10. “It didn’t fuck me up back then, why would drinking every day for the next 60 years fuck me up?”
Absolutely. And he doesn't factor in the genetic element either. He doesn't come from beer drinking people - i.e. Northern/Central European people. He's an Arab whose ancestors moved to a wine drinking region in the Middle Ages, so he has maybe 700 years of vino acclamation under his belt. Not 5000 years of small beer and "aqua vita" like a real white man.
Its insane he never once thinks of the health implications of drinking. Classic old guy shit. Not surprising considering he’s been drinking since like 9-10. “It didn’t fuck me up back then, why would drinking every day for the next 60 years fuck me up?”
To Nana, drinking equals fun, and he'll never give up or even cop to the instant gratification he gets from his booze. His liver could be leaking through his ribcage and staining his outer shirt, and he'd just rub a little beer on it.


Helping those 8 to 80
Responsible gun owner Anthony Cumia thank god for proud White men like him.
