Missy's RNC Shit Postings

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
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Who is liking these posts? At least the real grifters make an attempt to not be obvious that they’re just lifting their thoughts verbatim from other people, this dumb bitch is posting the screenshots to prove how little original thoughts she has. Is it really that hard to just spend an old man’s money and take black cock on the side?
She's thirsting for some white nationalist cock so, so hard right now. It'll never work, though. She's too old, potato-shaped, loud, obnoxious, and damaged goods to boot. Oh, she could get laid, no question about that, but no one's ever gonna swoop in and grace her dumpy old ass with a posh new Aryan life. Thus all this tweeting is for nothing. She's stuck there in Stinktown, with Tranpa and his flabby old wop ticker, and she will be until he finally dies.

goo gobbler

good morning. go to mass
a big union rep speaking at the RNC is a bad thing? aside from the hulk, he is one of the only legitimate gets they had. his speech even mirrored some of the platform trump ran on in 2016 (tech workers, h2b visas, and outsourcing). who gives a shit if some faggots in the union were commies 60 years ago

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Not the Lutherans! What's next the Calvanists?

What century is she living in?

"The Peace of Westphalia has been a stain on this country's history!!"
Her larping is so fucking annoying. LIBTARD virtue signalling is bad enough but at least it's based on their own made-up, globohomo nonsense. The Tradcath grifters somehow manage to disgust me more because they're appropriating an actual belief system and culture and make a fucking mockery of it.