Meanwhile, in Poland:


Nigger John sucks off faggots in the park
I thought it looked like a movie scene being filmed…


Then I saw this this…


Give Poland a break. They're still reeling from the huge naval disaster the other day. They finally launched their very first nuclear attack submarine, but it tragically sank. In hindsight, the screen door was a poor idea. Then you had the terror attack, where a crazed lunatic tried to blow up a bus, but burned his lips on the exhaust pipe. But, they might bounce back via their very first manned space mission. Poland could be the first nation to land a man on the Sun. They're going at night, when it's cooler.

Boqnaldo (Parody account)
Didn't look, but I'm sure it's something racist. You are on a low level of consciousness and view other people based on their external costume or bodily identification. From my angle of vision it's like you might as well not even be alive.
You will NEVER get a rise from me...nice try with the hate, lol...tenacious scumbag, idk why I like you, but I do.


Everyone’s alt
Give Poland a break. They're still reeling from the huge naval disaster the other day. They finally launched their very first nuclear attack submarine, but it tragically sank. In hindsight, the screen door was a poor idea. Then you had the terror attack, where a crazed lunatic tried to blow up a bus, but burned his lips on the exhaust pipe. But, they might bounce back via their very first manned space mission. Poland could be the first nation to land a man on the Sun. They're going at night, when it's cooler.
Henny Youngman everyone! 👏🏻

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
We had a influx of Poles into the UK in 2010s a lot of the women were beautiful yet their boyfriends were all ugly potato looking polaks and I couldn't understand how they got the girl
Poles are about as autistic and unaware of themselves or their surroundings as your average chink. Used to live near a bunch of Polish immigrants in Queens and they'll just aimlessly stand in the doorway of a store staring blankly at nothing