Mark Hamil is a faggot



But he did lose and got his one term having ass booted from Twitter because he couldn't BEHAVE. Skywalker seems like an okay dude to me and if he were posting election fraud shit you'd be suckin his dick right now.


But he did lose and got his one term having ass booted from Twitter because he couldn't BEHAVE. Skywalker seems like an okay dude to me and if he were posting election fraud shit you'd be suckin his dick right now.
If he was posting election fraud shit then the kikes at twitter would have suspended him already for UUHHHHHFEEENDING some people.


Every star wars movie sucks and Mark Hammill is a shitty actor.
I was never really into SW seriously at any point. They would come on the local Fox channel sometimes for Friday night movies and I just couldn't get into them. I eventually saw them all with the prequels being the newest thing, and they're just generally shitty movies made by a shitty writer.

In hindsight, it's nothing but a bane on society since it's created all the dumb fucking faggots of the last three generations.


But I do like some space films that aren't aimed at manbabies like Bloblinson. Solaris, Alien, 2001 etc.


Ask me about my cock size
I don't care if he hated Trump: He was very clear that he hated the faggot direction that Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson took SW.

To me he's just a boomer. And boomers are either going to love Trump or call him a dummy. Whatever. But like half of the boomers: I don't think he understands the full rot of the democratic party AND it's scope of control over everything.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I've actually never heard a bad thing about Mark Hamill from people who've met him, and there's several I know who have (no, not from those fucking conventions). However, I don't respect the guy, and it's not because of politics:

- Supposedly as part of his contract on the first Star Wars, this fucking man-child made a deal where he'd receive every Star Wars figure ever made, and I think he still does to this day. Nothing makes me recoil more than a grown man collecting toys (Hi, Pat).

- Fucked up his face in a car accident. Not my place to judge, but a lot of gals I knew back then thought he was hot before, bit not really after the accident. The load still pretends he only broke his nose and didn't have reconstructive surgery... Yes, you fucking did, Phantom of the Space Opera.

- Would've been lost to obscurity and straight to video movies if Tim Curry didn't get bronchitis, freeing him to take over The Joker in Batman The Animated Series. This effectively gave him a second career as a voice actor. I give him credit, he's not bad at it, but of course it's all super nerdy shit. Mel Blanc this guy isn't.

I guess I'm really saying Fuck Star Wars. Never was that great a series anyway.


I was never really into SW seriously at any point. They would come on the local Fox channel sometimes for Friday night movies and I just couldn't get into them. I eventually saw them all with the prequels being the newest thing, and they're just generally shitty movies made by a shitty writer.

In hindsight, it's nothing but a bane on society since it's created all the dumb fucking faggots of the last three generations.

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But I do like some space films that aren't aimed at manbabies like Bloblinson. Solaris, Alien, 2001 etc.
Star Wars mostly killed intelligent science fiction for real.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
He's been a far left faggot since the Obama days. However, his stance on the bullshit woke politics of The Last Jedi hint that, maybe, a lot of his expressed politics are simply business, and a way on ensuring that he stays employed.

A lot of Hollywood faggots actually have assistants who manage their social media accounts for them, which is why they all begin to sound alike. I doubt Hammill is at that level, however.