I don't like The National Lampoon, it's mostly smarmy WASPy Harvard graduate indignation at society padded out with poorly aged bawdy humor, so basically a Carlin special in magazine form. It takes itself way too seriously, it beats you over the head with its sarcasm while trying to appear detached and is dull as shit to read. I was going through the archive today and it is not even remotely funny. Oh look! A "surpise poster" of a cow grazing! That sure is wacky and unusual and not something you'd typically see in an ordinary magazine! Wait, here's an article on how to exploit tax laws with a lot of one-note sarcasm! Isn't that subversive! No wonder smug, unfunny fags like Mike Birbiglia are huge fans of it.
Mad Magazine however I used to read a lot as a kid and loved, it doesn't take itself seriously at all unlike the Lampoon which replaces comedy with commentary. The caricatures of celebrities are hilarious and even the comics lampooning old TV shows from before my time like Emergency! and Murder She Wrote are still hilarious. It all holds up pretty damn good.
Mad Magazine however I used to read a lot as a kid and loved, it doesn't take itself seriously at all unlike the Lampoon which replaces comedy with commentary. The caricatures of celebrities are hilarious and even the comics lampooning old TV shows from before my time like Emergency! and Murder She Wrote are still hilarious. It all holds up pretty damn good.
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