Let's shout out the more obscure members of Wonderfest 2011


Like "Thug Doug" and "Tiny Head for a Fat Guy"


"We're the Petermans and this is our adult autistic son Jeremy"


Now this looks like the stereotype of a fat obnoxious white guy who calls other people "child" all day.


The last thing you remember before your subconscious goes mysteriously silent and you have no recollection of the rest of the evening.


John D’oh!

Like "Thug Doug" and "Tiny Head for a Fat Guy"


"We're the Petermans and this is our adult autistic son Jeremy"


Now this looks like the stereotype of a fat obnoxious white guy who calls other people "child" all day.


The last thing you remember before your subconscious goes mysteriously silent and you have no recollection of the rest of the evening.
Jesus christ. The smells in that room must’ve been unreal. Unwashed fat folds, unbrushed tartar on teeth, unwiped shit on doody holes


Stand Alone Fruit
No wonder fatso thinks he’s the pinnacle of physical fitness. When half your crew can’t even reach far enough to wipe their ass, you’d feel good about yourself too.
I always laugh at the huge bellies this group has, I think Pat still sees himself as his shape from here in 2011 when hes quickly looking like all these fat guys. That room must of smelled so baddddd