Jim is legitimately fat.



at least he's honest.
nice career arc, stupid.

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All that female cardio, egg whites and AIDS and he’s still a doughy, unattractive mess. Fuck him, he deserves it.
Go for the occasional walk/run, eat egg yolks and meat, don't be a homosexual queer and have a few kids before you hit 40 (only immature faggots are afraid of continuing their bloodline) and push/pull your bodyweight and you'll be the anti-Norton.


Go for the occasional walk/run, eat egg yolks and meat, don't be a homosexual queer and have a few kids before you hit 40 (only immature faggots are afraid of continuing their bloodline) and push/pull your bodyweight and you'll be the anti-Norton.

only immature faggots are afraid of continuing their bloodline.
What about Sam?


Access to the Debates
Jim’s “I’m a cute boy” act simply doesn’t work when you are a mid 50s, pedophile-looking creep. I heard some people talk (I think Bob Saget and others) about Norm and how he was concerned about still being funny as he aged because he knew that back of the classroom prankster stuff he would do on SNL and 90s talk shows wasn’t going to fly for an old man. He adapted but stayed true to his style and remained hilarious. Jim was never a good standup anyway, but he also has no idea how to adapt and now he is just an old, formerly “edgy” comic doing cutesy garbage to placate the milquetoast fans who stuck by him.