My close friend called me a guinea the other day. I just googled that...
Guinea "derogatory term for Italian" (by 1896) was originally Guinea Negro entymonline.com says: "(1740s) and meant "black person, person of mixed ancestry."
I have been looking at my photos and can see it now... I'm a fucking Italian looking stereotype, like Jackie jr
Am I still white? I'm half Italian half Irish, that's double nigger
This is fawked up to fully realize...
Guinea "derogatory term for Italian" (by 1896) was originally Guinea Negro entymonline.com says: "(1740s) and meant "black person, person of mixed ancestry."
I have been looking at my photos and can see it now... I'm a fucking Italian looking stereotype, like Jackie jr
Am I still white? I'm half Italian half Irish, that's double nigger
This is fawked up to fully realize...